Division of
Natural and Applied Sciences

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Master | Research Opportunities

The gender gap in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) professions is well documented. Not only do women make up a small fraction of the workforce and research teams in STEM, but they are also published less, paid less and are less likely to reach positions of leadership than their male counterparts, despite being proven to...

The STEM fields–science, technology, engineering, and mathematics–are among the most popular majors for college students and prospective high school students. Whether you want to become a software engineer, a nurse, a researcher, or a data scientist, you will have many postgraduate job opportunities. This also means that there are a ton of...

The Neurograduate School of the Claude Bernard Lyon1 University aims to develop international training for undergraduate and graduate students (undergraduate and master studentships, doctoral fellowships, international invited professors…). At the more general level the fellowships action aims at increasing the internationalization of our program. This will lead to an increased...

The Seyfried lab is seeking a masters or PhD candidate to join the lab in Fall 2024 at Oregon State University. Research in this lab broadly addresses belowground mechanisms driving carbon and nutrient cycling in managed and unmanaged forest ecosystems. We aim to connect landscape-scale processes to mechanisms at the...

STARTING DATE: January 2024  CLOSING DATE: The position is open until filled and contingent upon final receipt of funding. DESCRIPTION: The James C. Kennedy Waterfowl and Wetlands Conservation Center, the Baruch Institute of Coastal Ecology and Forest Science, and the Department of Forestry and Environmental Conservation at Clemson University in...