Division of
Natural and Applied Sciences

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1. Before purchasing any equipment, please refer to the DNAS Equipment List to avoid redundant purchases. Some of this equipment with a broad sharing frequency can be booked directly from the following table.
2. Prior to using any shared equipment, you must complete Safety Training and Equipment Training. Please contact the responsible person for these trainings. Afterward, you can proceed to click the “Booking” button to reserve the equipment.
3. You can consult the map for detailed locations of the equipment. If you want to add new shared equipment, please fill the New Shared Equipment Info

By Location
By Subject
PhotoSubjectDevice NameDevice LocationAvailabilityDetail PageResponsible PersonBooking
ChemistryExplosive and Precursor Chemicals Pick-up RequestWDR 1209B, IB 2076Yes
Xiaojuan Wu; Lin Luo
xiaojuan.wu@dukekunshan.edu.cn; lin.luo@dukekunshan.edu.cn;
Computer ScienceVR Equipment's Rental ReservationWDR 2017, WDR 2015Yes
Xue Chen; Yuxuan Gao; Shuai Dong
xc167@duke.edu; yuxuan.gao@dukekunshan.edu.cn; shuai.dong@dukekunshan.edu.cn
BiologyDKU_No.1 Hospital Joint Brain Sciences Laboratory-Rat roomNo.1 hospital Research CenterYes
Ailian Tan;Chenxi Zhai
Chenxi Zhai_chenxi.zhai@dukekunshan.edu.cn Ailian Tan_Ailian.tan@dukekenshan.edu.cn
BiologyDKU_No.1 Hospital Joint Brain Sciences Laboratory-Bench roomNo.1 hospital Research CenterYes
Ailian Tan ; Chenxi Zhai
BiologyDKU_No.1 Hospital Joint Brain Sciences Laboratory-Mice behavior roomNo.1 hospital Research CenterYes
Ailian Tan; Chenxi Zhai
BiologyBH_2 High performance computerWDR 2203Yes
Chenxi Zhai
BiologyBRAINHUB Shielding room1WDR 2203Yes
Chenxi Zhai
ChemistryElectroChemical Workstation (Gamry Interface 1010B)IB 3101Yes
Xinyan Dai
ChemistryMicro ESR (Miniature Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer)IB 2079Yes
Xinyan Dai
ChemistrySpectroelectrochemical workstation (Model: Pine Research WaveDriver 200)IB 2079Yes
Xinyan Dai