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Event details

Date & Time

Time: 12:00-1:00 pm (CST), Nov.1st

Venue: IB 2025

Zoom ID: 715 337 7467

*Light refreshments will be provided


Prof. Myung-Joong Hwang

Assistant Professor of Physics at Duke Kunshan University


Quantum mechanics governs properties of the building blocks of nature at the most fundamental level and how they interact with one another. Quantum Science Group led by Prof. Myung-Joong Hwang aims to discover and understand novel quantum phenomena in controlled quantum systems and to develop ways to make them useful for quantum technologies such as quantum computation and quantum sensing. Over the past four years since Quantum Science Group was founded, DKU undergraduate students in our group have made exciting quantum discoveries for their signature works. I will share the success stories of former and current students in our group and introduce potential signature work projects for prospective students. 


Prof. Myung-Joong Hwang is a theoretical quantum physicist and leads Quantum Science Group at Duke Kunshan University. Prior to joining DKU, he had been a postdoctoral researcher in Ulm University, Germany from 2014 to 2019. He obtained both of his PhD and Bachelor degree in Physics at Pohang University of Science and Technology in South Korea. His research interests include quantum information science, quantum optics and many-body physics as well as quantum technologies such as trapped-ion and superconducting circuits. His works have frequently appeared in prestigious physics journals including 7 papers in Physical Review Letters. He has won research funds from various funding agencies in China including National Science Foundation of China, Innovation Program for Quantum Science and Technology, Jiangsu Foreign Expert Bureau and Kunshan Government.