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01:30 PM


02:30 PM


IB 3106


Event details

Date & Time

Time: Friday, Apr 19th ; 1:30-2:30 PM

Venue: IB 3106

*Light refreshments will be provided


In the talk, Prof. Wu will introduce the fundamentals about shapes, including their representations, modeling, and analysis. Then current challenge problems in geometric modeling and shape analysis will be discussed. And some of our research works are going to be presented, including Heterogeneous objects (HE objects) modeling and simulation, Shape analysis under Riemannian geometry and their applications. In the end, he will give his perspectives for the development in Geometric modeling and Shape analysis.


Zhongke WU, is full Professor in school of artificial intelligence, Beijing Normal University (BNU), China. He is director of Beijing Key Laboratory of Digital Protection and Virtual Reality for Cultural Heritage. He was director of Engineering Research Center of Virtual Reality and Applications, Ministry of Education, P.R.C and the member of the first Steering Committee for Professional Teaching of Animation, digital media in colleges and universities of Ministry of Education, China. Currently he is executive council member of China Graphics Society. Prior to joining in BNU, he worked in Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, Institute National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (INRIA) in France, Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), Singapore and Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences in China from 1995 to 2006. Prof. WU has been working in the field of computer graphics since 1988. He led and took part in various research and development projects in computer graphics and related areas and published near 300 publications. Prof. WU’s current research interests include computer graphics, animation virtual reality, geometric modeling, shape analysis and medical imaging.