Division of
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12:00 PM


01:00 PM


IB 3106


Event details

Date & Time

Time: Thursday, Apr 11th ; 12-1PM

Venue: IB 3106 

*Light refreshments will be provided


This journal club will explore how physics can boost the boundaries of protein manipulation on a single-particle scale. We will investigate the case of the ferritin protein. Join Professor Kotsifaki to discuss the following article:

Yousefi, A., Ying, C., Parmenter, C. D., Assadipapari, M., Sanderson, G., Zheng, Z., … & Rahmani, M. (2023). Optical Monitoring of In Situ Iron Loading into Single, Native Ferritin Proteins. Nano Letters, 23(8), 3251-3258



Her research focuses on interface between nanophotonics and biophotonics to gain a better understanding of the processes involved to manipulate nanometer-sized particles using light fields which contribute to the development of new techniques for single-molecule level detection and analysis. Her research interests up to now are concerned mainly the study and control of dielectric nanoparticle/bio-particles, investigating fluid dynamics using plasmonic-based approaches,  development of new sensing platforms, technologies enabled by optical resonators/metamaterial, implementation of novel techniques for new therapeutic approaches. Dr. Kotsifaki joined the DKU in 2022 and established the Photonics Lab, where six students are studying interactions between light and matter.