Division of
Natural and Applied Sciences

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Sustainability Assessment Group

Ka Leung Lam

 Our research in sustainability focuses on assessing the environmental sustainability status of our built environment and the technological solutions for sustainable transitions, particularly for water systems, waste systems, and industrial systems. The current primary research areas are circular economy, low-carbon future, and environmental data analysis.

Polymer Innovation Lab

Tan Zhang

  At Polymer Innovation Lab, we innovate for our sustainable future. Our research themes include but are not limited to 1. Design eco-friendly polymerization using catalytic techniques; 2. Valorization of biomass to functional materials; 3. Sustainable solutions for post-consumer plastic wastes and microplastics; 4. Fabrication of metallic nanocrystals and nanodevices.

Long-term Career Science Lab

Pengzhan Guo

Prof. Guo’s research interest is including methodology and applications in machine learning and data mining. With his educational background crossing mathematics and computational science, he focuses on addressing essential optimization problems in management and economics by developing/applying cutting edge data mining and machine learning algorithms as well as statistical models. His research appears in the leading journals and conferences in data mining. Specifically, his research falls into two categories: (1) application by using data mining and machine learning method and (2) methodology in data mining and machine learning.

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Collective dynamics lab: From “smart” sensing to particulate dynamics

Kai Huang

Ongoing Projects: This Figure is an overview of on-going experiments to be supported by the project. From up to down, and from left to right: (O1A) influence of gravity on granular drag; (O2A) Wetting induced self-assembly of particulate matter; (O3A) Deciphering root growth in ‘soil’; (O1B) Particle tracking and imaging in 3D; (O2B) “Smart” sensor development for DKU; (O3B) Room acoustics characterization of performance spaces at DKU. As stated in the Fig, there are two categories of projects we are working on, arising on the one hand from the previous work the PI has been working on for the past two decades, as well as on newly arising projects towards the development of DKU itself. From the perspective of particulate dynamics, our goal is to understand drag force induced by particulate matter under various conditions: impacting and drilling under microgravity conditions O1, cohesive particles O2, and plant root growth in ‘soil’ O3. Based on previous work on radar tracking, ‘smart’ sensing development, as well as room acoustics characterization, we have established the other line of research on “Smart” sensing, targeting students in applied math, computer science, data science, and others: imaging and tracking particles in three dimensions O1; developing AQI sensors for “smart” DKU O2; room acoustics characterization of DKU performing spaces (theatre and visitor centre) O3. In the forthcoming year, we will continue to drive all projects forwards, following the plan below.

The Lin Lab

Xinrong Lin

The Organic Energy Storage Lab led by Professor Lin is dedicated to the synthesis and application of energy materials, mainly focusing on the synthesis of advanced materials, all-solid-state batteries, and utilization of biomass. In the field of material synthesis, advanced chemical and physical methods are used to develop new functional materials to promote innovation of energy storage devices. 1) For All-solid-state batteries, we take means of molecular design and interfacial engineering to improve the energy density and safety of next-generation batteries. 2. At the same time, we are also interested in the research of biomass-based batteries. Through investigation of its catalytic conversion mechanism, we develop batteries with improved conversion efficiency and utilization based on biomass. The team combines multidisciplinary knowledge and pursues scientific breakthroughs and technological innovations to “electrify” a green and sustainable future.

The Kim lab

Hyun Min Kim

At Duke Kunshan University, the laboratory under the guidance of Associate Professor Kim is at the forefront of exploring DNA repair mechanisms, with a special emphasis on germline cells and the impact of epigenetic factors on DNA damage response and repair. The research team is committed to a thorough examination of the roles that both well-recognized and novel genes play in preserving the integrity of the genome by using C.elegans (worms) and human cells. Since 2022, Professor Kim has been imparting knowledge and leading research at Duke Kunshan University, after a tenure that began in 2016 at Tianjin University. Equipped with a PhD and postdoctoral experience from esteemed institutions such as Georgia Tech and Harvard Medical School, Professor Kim is recognized for nurturing scholarly development and advancing research capabilities. The lab’s dedication to outstanding research is evident in the multitude of joint publications with students, showcasing a culture of teamwork and the significant role students play in the research process. Research fellows in the lab are integral to its achievements, enhancing the depth of scientific conversation and aiding in the advancement of their research endeavors.

Speech and Multimodal Intelligent Information Processing (SMIIP) Lab

Ming Li

Our research interests lie in the areas of intelligent speech processing as well as multimodal behavior signal analysis and interpretation. 1. Intelligent speech processing: speaker verification, speaker diarization, paralinguistic state detection, anti-spoofing countermeasure, speech synthesis, voice conversion, keyword spotting, speech separation, spoken language identification, singing and music signal processing, etc. 2. Multimodal behavior signal analysis and interpretation: Gathering, analyzing, modeling and interpreting multimodal human behavior signals (e.g. speech/language/audio/visual/physiological signal analysis and understanding) for assisted diagnose and treatment of autism spectrum disorders, etc. 3. Pathological speech processing: laryngoscopy audio-visual signal processing, electronic laryngeal voice conversion

RNA Biology Group

Xianzhi Lin

LncRNA Drivers in Ovarian Cancer: Function and Interactome Dr. Lin’s RNA Biology Group uses ovarian cancer as model system to study the molecular mechanisms of cancer initiation and progression. We focus on the largest group of transcripts in the human genome known as long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs), many of which have been demonstrated to have regulatory functions in both physiology and diseases. Molecular and genetic analyses are being carried out to interrogate their roles in cancer hallmarks and enabling characteristics. Using RNA-centric and protein-centric methods, our group identifies and validates lncRNA-binding partners that contribute to the functions of lncRNAs. The lncRNAs and their binding partners are potential targets for developing therapeutic drugs to prevent cancer progression. The current projects include (1) Studying the functional roles and underlying molecular mechanisms of lncRNAs in aerobic glycolysis and drug resistance in ovarian cancer. (2) Developing RNA-centric methods to identify weak and/or transient lncRNA-interacting partners that are key to regulating lncRNA functions.

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The Kwok Lab

Sze Chai Kwok

Kwok’s research lies at the intersection among neuroscience, behavior, and psychology. He is head of the Laboratory of Phylo-Cognition and his research team studies the neural bases of episodic memory, metacognition, and other related higher cognitive processes in the primate species. Elucidation of such intricate brain/mind/behavior relationships is attained by armamentaria of methods including multimodal neuroimaging, in vivo electrophysiology, neuromodulatory methods, state-of-the-art behavioral paradigms and computational techniques. His teaching interests at Duke Kunshan include topics within cognitive neuroscience, behavioral sciences, and psychology. He is author of 60 academic papers including several in leading high-impact journals such as Science, Neuron, eLife, the Journal of Neuroscience, and Nature Human Behaviour. He is a recipient of the Shanghai Pujiang Talent Program Award (2016) and Young IBRO Regions Connecting Award (2020). He serves as handling editor for the journal Cognitive Processing (Springer). Kwok has a bachelor’s degree in social sciences from the University of Hong Kong and a doctoral degree in experimental psychology from the University of Oxford. Before joining Duke Kunshan in 2020, he was associate professor at East China Normal University and held a scholar-in-residence adjunct position at NYU Shanghai

The Gu Lab

Chuanhui Gu

The Environmental Hydrology Lab at Duke Kunshan University is a dynamic research center dedicated to unraveling the complexities of environmental hydrology and fostering sustainable solutions to pressing challenges. The lab serves as a focal point for innovative studies merging hydrology, ecology, and environmental engineering. One of the lab’s primary research thrusts is understanding pollutant removal mechanisms through groundwater-surface water interactions. By elucidating the intricate dynamics of natural filtration processes, the lab aims to develop nature-based solutions for water quality enhancement. Moreover, we investigate the impact of bio-invasion on the resilience of salt marshes to sea-level rise. By studying how invasive species alter marsh dynamics and geomorphology, the lab contributes to understanding and mitigating the effects of coastal habitat degradation. Additionally, ongoing projects delve into soil carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions, shedding light on the delicate balance between carbon storage and release in terrestrial ecosystems. The lab also explores innovative approaches for soil amendment using biosolid, aiming to enhance soil fertility while minimizing environmental impacts. Through collaborative partnerships and interdisciplinary inquiries, the Environmental Hydrology Lab at Duke Kunshan University is committed to advancing knowledge and fostering sustainable solutions to complex environmental challenges, ultimately contributing to a more resilient and sustainable future.

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The Gynecology Disorders and Oncology Lab

Anastasia Tisgkou

Our Lab focus on reproductive biology, particular the study of inhibin and progesterone receptors in uterine leiomyomas and ovarian cancers. One of her main achievements was the development of a novel immunoassay inhibin total (A&B) (Inhibin-TGF-β family). Development of the assay led to the successful licensing of the antibodies and assays with total royalty income to Oxford Brookes University in the U.K. of more than GBP 2 million. Our laboratory can carry out molecular biology experiments such as cell culture, Western blotting, qPCR,immunohistochemistry and apoptosis.

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The Lee Lab

Joohyun Lee

Joohyun Lee lab, Environmental Molecular Epigenetics lab, is currently exploring epigenetic regulation through Arabidopsis thaliana using mutant studies and bioinformatic analysis to overcome limitations of animal models.   Epigenetic regulation involves modifying gene expression without altering the DNA sequence, and these changes can be inherited across cells and/or generations. However, the lethality of epigenetic mutants in animal models has limited research into the mechanisms underlying the maintenance of epigenetic modifications in response to environmental signals. To address the questions, the Lee lab is using Arabidopsis as a model plant, which is tolerant of epigenetic mutations. Lee lab uses various molecular and bioinformatic analysis, including large-scale transcriptome, small RNA seq, DNA methylome, chromatin opening (ATAC seq) and chromatin modification (ChIP seq) analysis, to investigate the mechanisms underlying epigenetic regulation, which are highly conserved in higher eukaryotes.

The Zheng Lab

Changcheng Zheng

Optical properties of semiconductors and nanostructures, exciton/carrier dynamics in bulk and low dimensional systems, nonlinear optical properties of novel luminescent/fluorescent materials.

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Climate Reseilent Crop Design Lab

Eunyu Kim

Professor Eunyu Kim’s Climate Resilient Crop Design Lab at Duke Kunshan University, established in July 2022, focuses on enhancing plant resilience to environmental stresses induced by climate change. Our research aims to develop better crops that can withstand heat, drought, and disease by studying the dynamics of cellular compartments such as stress granules and lipid droplets. We employ molecular biology techniques and engage in interdisciplinary collaborations with bio-material scientists to create sustainable materials through plant and microalgae genetic engineering. Our work extends beyond agriculture, contributing to the development of affordable and sustainable technologies, such as solar cells, to support a sustainable future. By understanding how plants cope with various stress conditions, our research aims to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for a sustainable future. Through our innovative approach, we strive to make significant advancements in crop design and beyond, ultimately supporting global food security and environmental sustainability.

DKU Edge intelligence Lab

Bing Luo

The DKU Edge Intelligence Lab, under the guidance of Dr. Bing Luo, is dedicated to the exploration and advancement of cutting-edge interdisciplinary research, spanning machine learning, data analytics, wireless communications, networking, game theory, and optimization, with practical applications in edge-based artificial intelligence (Edge AI), privacy computing, Internet of Things (IoT), multi-agenet and mobile systems.


Weiwei Shi

Dr. Shi works on the bio-inspired smart materials to achieve high performance and advanced functions, e.g., special wettability, anisotropic properties, and dynamic response. Her research work was featured in CNN, Boston Globe, Digital Trends, etc. and highlighted by U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL). The fog harps were invited to exhibit at ACC Smithsonian Creativity and Innovation Festival, National Museum of American History, and awarded the “Innovation Award” by Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology. She got the finalist of “Collegiate Inventors Competition”, at United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).