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Two graduate Positions in Aquatic Ecology  Ohio State University 

Hood Lab, Aquatic Ecology Laboratory, Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University 

The Hood Lab is recruiting a masters and a PhD student to conduct research that generally examines stream and river phosphorus cycling. The goal of this research is to improve understanding of the role rivers play in shaping phosphorus exports in agricultural watersheds and inform the management of phosphorus and harmful algal blooms. Here is a brief description of both projects: 

  • MS position: Phosphorus transformations from riverine loads to summer cyanobacteria blooms. This project, which is a collaboration with National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Cooperative Institute for Great Lakes Research (CIGLR), looks at how phosphorus cycles across a transect from the upstream reaches of the Maumee River to the western basin of Lake Erie by characterizing longitudinal patterns in different phosphorus fractions (total phosphorus, dissolved phosphorus, colloidal phosphorus, as well as phosphorus associated with specific organic and inorganic fractions). This project can support a student on a graduate research assistantship for 1 semester and 1 summer for two years. The student would be supported by a GTA for the other semester. 
  • Ph.D. position: Pilot watershed project: This is part of a large, collaborative U.S. Department of Agriculture funded project that is using a control-impact approach to understand how implementation of best management practices on agricultural fields influences phosphorus exports from two paired watersheds. My lab’s component of this project examines how these management interventions influences phosphorus cycling in streams and ditches. This project can support a student on a graduate research assistantship for 1 semester and 1 summer for four years. The student would be supported by a GTA for the other semester. 

The ideal candidate will be highly motivated and honest, with strong quantitative skills, an interest in applied aquatic ecology, and a background in ecology, biogeochemistry, and/or aquatic science. I seek to maintain a productive, diverse, and team-orientated lab group and especially encourage students from under-represented groups to consider joining the lab. 

Both students would be supported by teaching and research assistantships. In EEOB, graduate assistantship includes a stipend of ~$2,400 per month, health benefits, and a tuition/fee waiver. 

If interested, please email Jim Hood (hood.211@osu.edu) a single PDF containing (1) a statement of interest, (2) a CV, and (3) contact information for three references. I will begin reviewing candidate applications immediately and ultimately invite selected applicants to apply to the department. The department’s application deadline is 15 Nov 2023

Additional information about application procedures and requirements: https://eeob.osu.edu/grad/program-admissions 

More information about the Aquatic Ecology Lab: https://ael.osu.edu 

Jim Hood (he, him, his) 
Associate Professor, Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology 

Core faculty, Translational Data Analytics Institute 

Co-Director, Aquatic Ecology Laboratory 
Aquatic Ecology Laboratory, 230 Research Center, 1314 Kinnear Road, Columbus, OH 43212 

College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology 
614-292-5383Office / 614-292-0181Fax 
hood.211@osu.eduEmail /http://ael.osu.edu