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Project Manager position at CMCC Foundation (Italy) 

Project Manager (code 12457) 
Deadline: August 31, 2023 
The CMCC Foundation is a scientific research center on climate change and its interactions with the environment, the society, the world of business and policy makers. 
Our work aims to stimulate sustainable growth, protect the environment and develop strategies for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change. 
Our Division of Climate Simulations and Predictions (CSP) is looking for a new position of Project Manager, responsible for the daily implementation and management of ongoing EU funded projects, including the following tasks: budgeting, financial reporting and control, tracking and monitoring, 
risk management, data management, internal and external communication, meeting facilitation. 
The job location is CMCC Office in Bologna, Italy. 
We are looking for a motivated person with the following requirements: 

  • M.Sc degree in scientific disciplines;
  • relevant knowledge in European Funding Programme (H2020/Horizon Europe): 
  • ethical issues, data management plan, IPR management, Risk management and 
  • contingency plan, Quality control and assurance; 
  • a very good knowledge of Italian and English languages; 
  • a very good knowledge of the Office suite; 
  • excellent organisational skills and high attention to detail; 
  • excellent interpersonal and communication skills; 
  • teamworking attitude and ability to work independently. 
  • Belonging to legally protected categories (ex L. 68/99) will constitute a 
  • preferential condition. 

More details and info about HOW TO APPLY: 
Fondazione CMCC 
Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici 
Via Augusto Imperatore, 16 – 73100 Lecce 
info@cmcc.it - https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.cmcc.it__;!!KGKeukY!xvqhcCM9X-1pLWd3iRh8NgWN8cW6Ml_6vfIU80xZBgHSoqyPsn9QRGgc9mMeKW2o6Dy5-Hyuy5aZvKfD0aYl$