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PhD studentship opportunity at the British Antarctic Survey (UK) 

PhD studentship opportunity at the British Antarctic Survey on Future changes to rainfall over Antarctica and the Southern Ocean, funded by GW4+, which includes maintenance grant + University fees + research costs, starting from 1st October 2024. 
The successful student will use datasets such as CloudSat satellite data, ERA5 atmospheric reanalysis, and station weather reports to quantify present-day occurrences of rainfall for Antarctica and the Southern Ocean and identify the main meteorological drivers associated with these events. They will also assess the robustness of simulated precipitation for Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in CMIP6 global climate models and identify a subset of the most reliable models for making projections of future changes in rainfall over these regions. The student will be hosted at the British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK, which is a world leading polar research centre focused on Earth System Science. Additional supervision will be from the School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol. The student will learn about climate change, climate modelling, satellite data, atmospheric processes, atmosphere-cryosphere interaction, and analysis using Python. The training will be through short courses and Summer Schools and through interactions with the supervising team who together cover expertise in all these topics. 
Further details can be found here: 
We seek an enthusiastic, self-motivated student with creative ideas and strong interests in polar climate and variability. They must hold or expect to gain at least an upper-second class undergraduate degree in either atmospheric, oceanic, earth sciences, applied mathematics, computer science, engineering, physics, statistics or a related field. Programming 
experience and written skills are advantageous. 
The closing date for applications is 9 January 2024. To submit an application, please send your CV, personal statement, degree transcripts, degree certificates and contact details of two academic referees directly to the lead supervisor Dr Andrew Orr (anmcr@bas.ac.uk). 
For further enquiries please email Dr Andrew Orr: anmcr@bas.ac.uk 
Dr Andrew Orr 
Climate Scientist 
Atmosphere Ice and Climate team 
British Antarctic Survey 
High Cross 
Madingley Road 
Cambridge, CB3 0ET 
Email: anmcr@bas.ac.uk 
Profile: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.bas.ac.uk/profile/anmcr__;!!KGKeukY!xrl1nMh9_IU1sxQBPhjvqd_0lOlzkmBSDqzguCzjLb26ei8FKTpPNvC6agpcEJA0FEpZMPtKrqqn3jI7vO-b$ 
Tel: +44 (0) 1223 221256