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PhD positions on global biome analyses (ecology, evolution, remote sensing) at WSL, Zurich, Switzerland 

Dr. Niklaus E. Zimmermann (WSL, ETH Zurich) is looking for motivated PhD students in a large ERC-type Advanced Grant project on global biomes. A short description of the project is given below, and a more detailed description of the positions (1 PhD) can be found in the job add. Two  more PhD positions will be advertised shortly, and 2 more postdoc positions will follow later. The positions are advertised at the job portal of WSL and at  jobs.ch (link to the positions) and applications can be submitted via web-link through these portals. A direct link to the three profiles with application links are inserted below. Please apply if interested or spread these positions in your lab or beyond. Evaluation of applications will start soon. The positions remain open until they are filled. 
The biome project in short 
The focus is on global biomes, their evolution, theoretical foundation and their response to recent and projected future climate change. A website will follow soon. The two main goals are: 

1. Conceptualizing and testing theories around global biomes (from definitions to mapping, then explaining patterns of diversity or tolerance limits). 

2. Assessing to what degree recent climate change has caused increased disturbances in regions of potential biome shifts, and to derive projections of future disturbances (where, how much, what type) under future climate conditions with or without biome shifts. 
This project combines macro- and functional ecology with macro-evolutionary analyses, and remote sensing and GIS data, together with plant traits and their distributions will be important tools, and so are phylogenies of important clades per biome that have developed biome-dominant and -relevant traits. 
– PhD in macroevolution and -ecology: apply.refline.ch/273855/1543/pub/1 

Thank you! 
Nick Zimmermann