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PhD position in chemical ecology of seagrass microbiomes at UC Merced

We have an open, NSF funded PhD position into the chemical ecology of seagrass rhizospheres following ecological stress. Research will include ‘omics based analyses, experimental work with seagrasses, and field based research at Bodega Marine Lab.  
The prospective student would apply to and join the Quantitate and Systems Biology Grad Program at University of California, Merced. To be considered for a recruitment fellowships, applications are due Dec 1. Final application date is Dec 15.  
Webinars for the QSB program will take place on: October 20, 10:00 AM 


 and November 27, 11:00 AM 

Students that join the webinar will receive an application fee waiver.  
For more information about the Sogin lab please visit soginlab.com. Feel free to reach out if you or a student is interested in joining our lab.  