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PhD Opportunity in Nitrogen Information Systems 

The Global Nitrogen Innovation Center for Clean Energy and Environment (NICCEE) is seeking a motivated Ph.D. student to develop a state-of-the-art data platform. This platform will track nitrogen management across the agriculture, food, and energy systems, aiding stakeholders in informed decision-making. This position is backed by the recently established NICCEE with funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF; https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=2330502).  
The selected candidate will be co-advised by Professor Xin Zhang, NICCEE director, and Professor Dong Liang. The student will work with the project team to develop an algorithm to synthesize data from a wide range of sources in order to improve the quantification of nitrogen-use information in the agriculture-food-energy systems, and guide further data acquisition. Additionally, they will partner with a spectrum of stakeholders to roll out a platform for the dissemination of these data products, fostering sustainable nitrogen management practices. Through this transdisciplinary and transnational project, the student will have ample opportunities to work with a variety of experts and stakeholders, including those from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the International Fertilizer Association. 
The student will matriculate through the Marine, Estuarine, and Environmental Sciences Program (MEES; https://www.mees.umd.edu/admissions#How-to-apply), a University of Maryland multi-campus joint degree program, and will reside at the Appalachian Laboratory in Frostburg for the duration of the project. 
Visit our website to learn more about the opportunity and for application information:  https://niccee.org/opportunity/phd-level-graduate-student-position-in-nitrogen-information-systems/ 
Thank you! 
Katie Kline 
Laboratory Manager 
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science 
Appalachian Laboratory