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PhD in tropical community ecology at Oklahoma State University 

2 Graduate Positions in Tropical Community Ecology 
The Bachelot Lab is recruiting 2 graduate students to join the lab beginning Fall 2024. Research in the lab is focused on plant demography, species interactions, coexistence, and global change biology, with emphasis on plants, insects, and fungi (bachelotlab.com). Current projects are examining: effects of enemies (herbivores, pathogens, etc.) and mutualists on plant communities, effects of altered climate on species interactions and coexistence (TRACE in Puerto Rico), effects of climate change in ecosystem functioning (Puerto Rico), effects of land use change on species interactions and coexistence (in Costa Rica).  
Qualifications. Prior research experiences in community ecology, Prior experiences in quantitative methods (knowledge of R) and/or theoretical work are desired.  
Application. To apply to these positions, send a CV and letter of interest to Bene Bachelot (benedicte.bachelot@okstate.edu). 

In additions, completed graduate school applications (https://grad.okstate.edu/apply/) are due by January 15th.  

More information can be found here: https://go.okstate.edu/graduate-academics/programs/doctoral/plant-biology-phd.html