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Phd-candidate in High-tech sensing for turbulent and radiant heat exchange in urban environments at University of Twente (Netherlands) 

This position is part of the HERITAGE (HEat Robustness In relation To AGEing cities) project (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.4tu.nl/heritage/__;!!KGKeukY!1LoR0qsE1tkft5G15DLrb_W0RGHOscBB4xRWP25C_HNPp4s32Fs6BL8IPD_HFJ6RZKXfh8NBPsvGm_OQpC3U$ ) which is a research programme aiming at the detection, reduction and prevention of heat stress occurring due to ageing of built environmental settings and buildings in Dutch cities, through socio-technical solutions.  

This programme is a 4TU initiative, connecting the four universities of technology in The Netherlands: Delft University of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Twente and Wageningen University and Research. 
Details available here: 