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PhD Assistantship: Whitetail Deer Research University Florida 

I am posting this position on behalf of Dr. Marcelo Wallau: 
The University of Florida/IFAS Forage Team is recruiting a PhD student to work on the interface between agronomy, animal sciences and wildlife management, focusing on forage production, nutrition and health of whitetail deer. 
This position will be housed in the University of Floridas Agronomy department, Gainesville, FL, co-advised by Drs. Marcelo Wallau (forages) and Diwakar Vyas (ruminant nutrition). The main research objectives to be pursued are to evaluate the use of different forages on the nutrition, behavior and health of whitetail deer in pens and preserves. Work will include aspects of forage production, diet preferences, parasite and habitat management. 
Candidate will be expected to develop research project, review literature, conduct field work, process and analyze samples, analyze data and be proficient in scientific writing. Experience in animal sciences and agronomy is desired, especially related to forage production, animal handling and laboratory procedures. 
The candidate will be expected to travel for farm visits, and have endurance to tolerate field work during Floridas summer conditions. Is essential for the candidate to be independent, proactive and innovative, be curious and engaging, and have interpersonal skills to work in the interface of the different research groups. 
This position will also include extension components, such as interaction with producers, implementation of on-farm demonstrations, and participation on field days and other extension events. 
Application deadline: October 15th, 2023 
Salary: $25k 
To apply, first send email to forages@ifas.ufl.edu (for first contact)