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PhD Assistantship, University of Montana,  Forestry and Conservation Sciences 

The University of Montana Applied Fire and Landscape Ecology lab seeks to fill a PhD assistantship with research focusing on the effectiveness of fuel and silvicultural treatments on moderating fire spread, severity, and improving fire management during fires. This funded research project will focus on wildfire-treatment-management interactions in the interior Pacific Northwest, USA. The applied research will be co-produced with an experienced team of researchers and managers from state, federal, and tribal entities, the University of Washington, and University of Montana.  
Responsibilities include assembling data sets and analysis of results; publication of results in peer-reviewed journals; management outreach and science communication; collaborative work with university researchers, and state and federal scientists and land managers; communicating results through presentations, webinars, and other formats; and occasional service as a guest speaker, field trip leader, or field course assistant. 
The successful applicant will receive three years of support including full costs of tuition and fees, an RA appointment with an annual stipend (~$25,000), and reimbursement for health insurance. Employment and work on the project could start as early as January 2024 if desired, and enrollment in the UM Forestry and Conservation Sciences PhD program will begin in August 2024. Travel funds are available for field visits and a scientific conference presentation. 
Required Qualifications:  
All the requirements for admission to the degree program. 
Quantitative skills, including ability to implement applied statistical analyses in R. 
Experience managing and visualizing geospatial data. 
Experience communicating and working with natural resources managers. 
Ability to work independently and to manage multiple responsibilities and deadlines. 
Preferred Qualifications:  

MS degree and/or experience writing and publishing peer-reviewed manuscripts. 
Experience in prescribed or wildland fire management, especially in leadership or planning roles.  
Experience in field-based ecological management. 
To apply: Send a single pdf file containing your cover letter describing qualifications, current CV, unofficial transcripts, and names and contacts of three professional references to Dr. C. Alina Cansler alina.cansler@umontana.edu, with a subject line of Fuel Treatments PhD Assistantship. Submit your materials by November 13, 2023.