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Ph.D. and M.S. positions in Tree Genomics and Integrative Biogeographic Modeling at Oklahoma State University 

The Castilla Lab (https://www.arcastilla.com) at the Department of Plant Biology, Ecology, and Evolution (PBEE) at Oklahoma State University is looking for enthusiastic, team-oriented graduate students (MS and PhD) to begin Fall 2024. Research areas in our lab intersect plant ecology, population genomics, and evolutionary biology. Students are welcome to bring/discuss their original ideas or to work within the scope of the current projects in the lab, which include the use of data integration in historical biogeography, landscape genomics of oaks, and the role of adaptive introgression as a driver of rapid evolutionary change. 
Here’s why you should consider us: 
1. Diverse Research Opportunities: You have the freedom to explore your own ideas within the scope of the current projects in the lab while getting regular support from me and other lab members.  
2. A broad network of collaborators: There will be opportunities to collaborate with other labs within the US and in Spain.  
3. Interdisciplinary Learning: Our lab offers a rich multidisciplinary environment, allowing you to acquire a wide range of skills, from genomics and fieldwork to high-performance computing and integrative modeling. 
4. Financial Support: Students will be funded via Teaching Assistantships and PI funds. Moreover, we actively encourage you and will help you to seek additional funding through graduate research fellowships and grants 
If you are interested in joining our lab, please get in touch with Dr. Antonio R. Castilla (arcastilla@okstate.edu) and attach the following documents as a single PDF: 
1. A one-page letter of interest describing your scientific interests and career objectives. 
2. Your CV/resume (including GPA; unofficial transcripts are acceptable). 
3. Contact information for two references. 
Please take a moment to review our admission requirements (https://plantbio.okstate.edu/graduate-programs) and ensure that you are a good fit. 
Oklahoma State University is your platform for success, offering a Carnegie Tier 1 research university experience. We boast cutting-edge facilities for research, from state-of-the-art greenhouses and growth chambers to core genomics and proteomics resources, along with a high-performance computing center and numerous field stations. 
The Department of Plant Biology, Ecology, and Evolution at Oklahoma State University excels in graduate student training. Our small, close-knit community offers a conducive, professional atmosphere for personalized mentorship from renowned faculty. With a singular focus on plant studies, it provides abundant opportunities for collaborative research and mentorship. We are dedicated to cultivating the next generation of leaders in plant biology, ecology, and evolution.