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MS assistantship Impact of sharpshooting on white-tailed deer behavior 

Location: Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois 

Salary: Range: 20,000$ to $28,000 + tuition waiver 

Start date: 01/16/2024 

Last date to apply: 09/30/2023 

Description: The Spatial Wildlife Ecology Lab at Southern Illinois University is seeking an outstanding MS student beginning Spring 2024. The student’s project will focus on evaluating white-tailed deer responses to sharpshooting happening in northern Illinois to reduce chronic-wasting disease prevalence. The incoming student will have access to data on white-tailed deer occurrence in areas with varying levels of sharpshooting obtained using camera traps in collaboration with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. The student may also assist in other ongoing work involving capture of white-tailed deer. The academic home for the position is at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois under the supervision of Dr. Guillaume Bastille-Rousseau.  

Preferred Qualifications: 
BSc in Ecology, Wildlife Ecology, or Biology, or a closely related field, with a strong academic record. 
Excellent quantitative skills. Experience in R and ArcGIS software. Previous experience with camera traps data is desirable.  
Ecological knowledge regarding spatial ecology.  
Ability to perform fieldwork. 
Experience in trapping mammals is beneficial. 
Excellent written and oral communication skills including a demonstrated ability or potential to publish in peer-reviewed journals. 
Motivated with an excellent work ethic. 

To apply: Submit a single pdf that includes a cover letter summarizing your qualifications and interest in the position, followed by CV, unofficial transcripts, and contact information for three references to Dr. Guillaume Bastille-Rousseau (gbr@siu.edu).  

Websites: https://bastillerousseau.wixsite.com/research