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MS Assistantship: Bat Conservation, University of Illinois 

I am seeking one highly motivated student to join my research group in the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRES) at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. The student will use passive acoustic monitoring and other technology to study the responses of insectivorous bats to forest management, focusing on the endangered Indiana bat. The student will be part of a collaborative team of researchers, including Dr. Joy OKeefe, a PhD student, and a postdoctoral researcher. The students research will complement studies on bat health that are also part of this long-term (2019-2026) project. Fieldwork will occur in northeastern Missouri during the summer months of 2024 and 2025. This study is funded by and will be conducted in collaboration with the Missouri Department of Conservation. Results will inform policy on conservation practices to enhance and protect habitat for the federally endangered Indiana bat and other imperiled species. 
Website: http://wildlife.nres.illinois.edu 
Salary: Approximately $27,995 for 11-mo. appt., benefits, tuition waiver 
Applicants should have a BS degree in biology, ecology, wildlife, or another related discipline. Preferred qualifications include strong quantitative and analytical skills, field research experience, and a competitive GPA. Excellent writing and verbal communication skills, a strong work ethic, and the ability to both work independently and contribute to a research team will also be beneficial. A valid drivers license is also required.  

Preferred Experience: Experience with bat handling is preferred because summer field work will include bat capture surveys.  

Start date will be mid-May 2023, which is when field work will commence. 
If interested, please send an email to Dr. Joy OKeefe (jmokeefe@illinois.edu) by November 15, 2023 with the following combined into one PDF with your last name in the file name: CV, undergraduate transcripts (unofficial are sufficient), statement of interest, and contact information for three references.