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M.S. opportunity in field botany, NC State University 

I am looking for a field-oriented student to join my research group starting Fall 2024.  The student will carry out a funded M.S. project focused on the floristic inventory/synthesis of an ecologically interesting area in Polk County, North Carolina, culminating in the development of a taxonomic field guide.   

The student will be supported through a TA/RA appointment and additional funds to cover research-associated travel, per diem, and lodging. Anyone interested can reach out to me at akrings@ncsu.edu.  

Thank you and kind regards, 




Alexander Krings, Ph.D., F.L.S. 
Professor & Director of the Vascular Plant Herbarium (NCSC) 

Department of Plant & Microbial Biology 

Campus Box 7612 

North Carolina State University 
Raleigh, NC 27695-7612 