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Graduate Student Positions in Algal / Cyanobacteria algal bloom Ecology

The Corcoran Lab in the Department of Biology at New Mexico State University (Las Cruces, NM) is recruiting 1-2 graduate students (MS or PhD) for January 2024 enrollment. Research in the lab focuses microalgal biology and ecology. We conduct both foundational and applied research to address questions that support ecosystem management and sustainability. For more information, see: corcoranalgaelab.com. Information about the Department of Biology and NMSU Graduate School can be found at https://bio.nmsu.edu/ and https://gradschool.nmsu.edu/ respectively.

The successful applicant will conduct hypothesis-driven research within the fields of algal biology or ecology, with opportunities to conduct experiments in the laboratory and field. The Corcoran Lab maintains over twenty 300L outdoor cultivation ponds at the nearby Fabian Garcia Science Center, offering a unique opportunity to ask cultivation-relevant questions. Students interested in cultivation ecology, synthetic ecology, algal-bacterial interactions, algal-algal interactions, and HABs are encouraged to apply. Exact research topics are flexible but should build on the groups resources and/or previous work.

The minimum qualifications for the position include:
(1) a B.S. or M.S. in biology, marine science, microbiology, or related field
(2) basic knowledge of algal or plant biology, molecular biology, and microbiology
(3) a minimum GPA of 3.25
(4) laboratory experience (experience with algal and bacterial cultures is a plus)
(5) the ability to work independently as well as with a diverse research group

All students admitted to the program will be supported by a combination of teaching and research assistantships. At present, NMSU does not offer tuition waivers. Tuition support can be sought through the NSF GRFP and similar support structures. Moreover, tuition may be provided by the PI if extramural funding allows.

For consideration, please email (1) a one-page cover letter describing your research interests and career goals, (2) your CV, (3) unofficial transcripts, and (4) contact information for three professional references (all compiled into a single PDF) to Dr. Corcoran at acor@nmsu.edu. If there is a good fit, applicants will be required to apply to the Graduate School (deadline: September 15, 2023). Prior to reaching out, please review content here: http://www.corcoranalgaelab.com/joining-the-lab.html.