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Graduate Positions in Forest Ecology 

The Spasojevic Ecology lab is recruiting 1-2 Ph.D. students to start in Fall of 2024. Specifically, we are seeking students to work within our Forest Dynamics plot (https://mspaso.wixsite.com/traitecology/our-research). We are specifically seeking people interested in linking dispersal, demography, community assembly, and/or ecosystem function in dry temperate forests. Academic year funding is primarily provided through TAships and Summer Support is through ongoing USDA funding. Information on TA funding and Salary can be found here (https://graduate.ucr.edu/graduate-student-employment#ase-and-gsr-salary). 
If you are interested, please email me (markos@ucr.edu) with a short note describing why you are interested in joining the lab, which of the above interest areas best fit you, and your CV so we can schedule a meeting to chat. Prospective students from traditionally excluded groups are encouraged to apply.