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3 PhD positions at the Doctoral Course in Sustainable Development and Climate Change (Italy)

the Italian Doctoral Course in Sustainable Development and Climate Change (PhD-SDC, https://urldefense.com/v3/http://www.phd-sdc.it/;!!KGKeukY!wuNGrK81kMBMa9BSRKi0Bx0IFIJe67IX66DuOWjJopWnVLNpF_eos6acrDMAZGjL9ouW7r_-cKzK6MrIVw9j$ ) gathers 50+ Italian University and Research Institutes with the collaborative aim to provide a high-level preparation to doctoral candidates by coordinating and integrating a diverse team of high-profile scientists, who can offer a full spectrum of disciplinary areas, ranging from ecology, technology, economics and engineering to maths, philosophy, medicine and agriculture.

Within the Curriculum “Earth System and Environment” (CU1) we are publishing 3 more grants besides the 18 PhD positions recently published (see here: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://lists.osu.edu/mailman/private/climlist/2023-June/000862.html__;!!OToaGQ!vWmaAx4yOTUtbJv4hPmK43BQf6INO5vjAv8_Euh46w64bVNfCf-lCwGa3_JcYBKzAI7v8T5tp4MK_Vkw-oWy8ais$ ).

These 3 grants are on the following Research Topics: the research activities will be carried out at the host university, with two grants requiring also at least 6 months at the partner institution listed in the corresponding project; research activities will also include multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary workshops held across Italy.

Research topics (host university):

• The role of new particle formation in atmospheric nanoparticles levels in urban areas (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)

• Impact of climate change on the renewable energy sector in Italy (IUSS Pavia)

• Adaptive response to climate change for safety management airport infrastructures under strong winds (IUSS Pavia)

How to apply

Application deadline for this second call is : August 4, 2023 13:00 CEST

Application webpage: https://urldefense.com/v3/https://www.phd-sdc.it/how-to-apply;!!KGKeukY!wuNGrK81kMBMa9BSRKi0Bx0IFIJe67IX66DuOWjJopWnVLNpF_eos6acrDMAZGjL9ouW7r_-cKzK6M5vJ_8r$

The official call is available at: https://urldefense.com/v3/http://tiny.cc/phdsdc2;!!KGKeukY!wuNGrK81kMBMa9BSRKi0Bx0IFIJe67IX66DuOWjJopWnVLNpF_eos6acrDMAZGjL9ouW7r_-cKzK6K77jjp_$

Candidates can apply either to this and to the previous call.

The recording of a webinar on the PhD SDC programme is available at: https://urldefense.com/v3/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amry2YsEBTE&t=10s;!!KGKeukY!wuNGrK81kMBMa9BSRKi0Bx0IFIJe67IX66DuOWjJopWnVLNpF_eos6acrDMAZGjL9ouW7r_-cKzK6EW7AqgO$ .

The recording of a webinar on the PhD SDC application procedure is available at: https://urldefense.com/v3/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PPA2kbR6JY;!!KGKeukY!wuNGrK81kMBMa9BSRKi0Bx0IFIJe67IX66DuOWjJopWnVLNpF_eos6acrDMAZGjL9ouW7r_-cKzK6AvfBxcn$

Alessandro Bigi

Dipartimento di Ingegneria ‘Enzo Ferrari’

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

via Vivarelli 10, I-41125 Modena

phone: +39-059-2056328

fax: +39-059-2056243

email: alessandro.bigi@unimore.it