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1-2 fully funded graduate positions (MS or PhD) for research related to:  Seedling ecophysiology and seed based restoration 

Openings for 1-2 fully funded graduate positions (MS or PhD) for research related to:  
Seedling ecophysiology and seed-based restoration 
Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA 
Start date: Fall semester 2024 
Applications due: November 15, 2023 (please reach out to Mandy well before submitting) 
Contact: Mandy Slate at slate.41@osu.edu 
Please email: Your CV and an email introducing yourself, your research experience and interests, and tell me why you are interested in doing research in my lab.   
The EEOB Department at The Ohio State University is a diverse, open, inclusive, and collaborative place to explore exciting research questions. Student projects will likely involve a combination of field and lab-based research. Successful applications will be working as part of a collaborative team that includes researchers at Colorado State University and the University of Montana. Thus in addition to looking for applicants that are excited about plant ecophysiology and restoration, I also seek applicants who value collaboration and teamwork.  
For more information on the type of research we do, OSU, and the grad school at OSU see: slatemandy.weebly.com