Division of
Natural and Applied Sciences

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Where can I get those policies about procurement?

https://hub.dukekunshan.edu.cn/team-pages/office-of-procurement/ With this webpage, the Procurement team intends to provide the DKU community with a one-stop information platform for procurement related matters. Everyone can find resources such as PR, GR, system manuals, etc.

What should I do when I receive an email “Notification of Delivered PO which need to confirm inspection 交付货物需确认验收的通知” sent by ERP automatically?

If you have received the goods or services. Please log in ERP-Tools-Report and Analytics-Browse Catalog-Open “Receive and Inspection Form for Requestor”-fill the PO number showed in notification-Export the form-fill at least “Received Qty”, “Recipient” and “Confirming date”- send email with this file to DKU warehouse, they will make GR in system.


Are there some ways to purchase consumables, general chemicals, and testing services more efficiently?

So far, five platforms including Tansoole, J&K, Sigma, Genewize and Sangon were provide to DNAS members to purchase consumable, small device, and DNAS testing service directly. Professor can ask their supporting staff or lab coordinator to place order in platforms.

The bill will come to granted users monthly. Grace or other assigned staff can help to make one PR for each platform monthly. PIs will be involved in the approval process of this PR.


Where can I get those policies about finance?

https://hub.dukekunshan.edu.cn/team-pages/office-of-finance/. With this webpage, the Finance team intends to provide the DKU community with a one-stop information platform for finance related matters. Everyone can find resources such as reimbursement regulations, various request forms, system manuals, etc.

Lab Access

How can I apply for DNAS lab access?

Before applying for lab access online, applicants should complete general lab safety training conducted by EHS&DNAS and specific training conducted by lab responsible person. Specific training includes but is not limited to equipment training and lab safety management. Please understand that due to different clusters, lab responsible person has different training requirements.

Applicants can follow the guidelines to apply lab access online. Some lab related policies such as how to apply lab access during holiday are also attached below.

Lab Access Application Guideline

Lab Safety Agreement

How do I know who is the lab responsible person?

You can visit https://dukekunshan.formstack.com/workflows/dnas_lab_access_application_form in the guideline. The lab responsible person’s name will be shown automatically once you choose the lab number. You also can get this information from your supervisor, your research members or lab coordinators.

Why haven’t I received lab access application complete notification more than two week?

The application may be pending in one approver. Please send an email to Xiaojuan Wu to check.

As a supervisor and lab responsible person who is the key approver in the approval process, please don’t forget to approve the Formstack once you receive the email. You can Visit https://dukekunshan.formstack.com/admin/workspace to check and approve the pending application forms.  

As a lab responsible person, how can I remove someone’s lab access as his/her working scope changes?

Please send an email to Xiaojuan Wu to point out the person’s name and the reason.

Why can’t I enter one lab suddenly?

Student lab access is suspended during non-working hours. Or maybe the end date for your last application is up. You can contact Xiaojuan Wu to check if there are other special reasons.

How can I get the door access in IB/WDR loading dock area?

They’re not managed by DNAS. Please send an email to campus service to apply.

Regulated Chemicals

How can I know whether the chemical I want to purchase belongs to regulated chemicals (precursors or explosive chemicals)?

Please confirm whether the chemical is in the following two lists according to CAS number.

List of Regulated Drug Precursor Chemicals Updated in 2021                                                              

List of Regulated Explosives Precursors in China (Version 2017)

How can I purchase regulated chemicals (precursors or explosive chemicals)?

If the chemical you want to purchase belongs to precursor or explosive chemicals, please send an email containing following three key items to Xiaojuan Wu. She will help to raise PR and follow up whole procurement process.

  • “Proof of Need for Legal Use of the regulated Chemicals bilingual” should be signed by PI (fund code owner) and attached. Please note that one kind of chemical uses one form separately.

      Proof of Need for Legal Use of the regulated Chemicals bilingual

      Filling sample-Proof of Need for Legal Use of the regulated Chemicals bilingual

  • A request list contains chemicals name, amount, or other special requirement about purity and so on. A reference link is also appreciated.
  • Fund code

How long it will take to purchase regulated chemicals (precursors or explosive chemicals)?

As the procurement process is complex, it often takes about one month. Please give your request to Xiaojuan at your earliest convenience to get the chemical in time.


How can I get some regulated chemicals (precursors or explosive chemicals) for urgent use since the procurement is too long?

You can ask another owner of this regulated chemical to borrow some for emergency and return to him/her after the regulated chemical you ordered arrive. If he/she agrees, then tell Xiaojuan to pick it up.


How can I get regulated chemicals (precursors or explosive chemicals) when I want to use it?

If you have regulated chemicals stored in IB2076 or WDR1209B, please tell Xiaojuan Wu to pick it up.   For efficient organization, two custodians may agree on a fixed time such as 1:30pm for requestors to come.


Are dangerous chemicals equal to regulated chemicals (precursor or explosive chemicals)?

No, they aren’t. In some platforms, they also have special signals for precursor and explosive chemicals (showed as below picture). But it’s invalid to purchase precursor and explosive chemicals directly from platform.



Assets and Shared Equipment

How can I know whether other labs have the equipment I want to use?

Lab coordinator keeps all asset list in DNAS. If the price of lab assets is higher than 20K in teaching and research labs, the asset will be shown on the DNAS website. If the price of assets is higher than 400K in teaching and research labs, it will be recognized as valuable equipment and more detailed information will be shown on the DNAS website.

What should I do if I want to use shared equipment?

Please contact the responsible person to get training and follow the management rules such as lab access and booking ways in the lab. For several shared equipment with high frequency usage, booking in advance is necessary to avoid time conflict.

What should I do if I want to transfer or swap some assets with other DNAS members?

You can contact Xiaojuan Wu any time to update the information in the Asset Management System.

Chemical Waste Management

Where can I place laboratory Hazardous Waste?

Please refer to EHS policy to do hazardous chemical waste management. The location of waste rooms is also inside. The relevant responsible people are Ping Sun and Lin Luo from EHS.

The Guideline of laboratory Hazardous Waste Classfication and Recycling in DKU

Other FAQ

How to book a meeting room?

Sent email to DKU Space Reservation space-reservation@dukekunshan.edu.cn or call 36657061. You can log in EMS (an app in DKU) to check the available rooms before you send an email or call.


How to apply campus access for a visitor?

Visitor Registration Form – Formstack


How to get lab cleaning service from Operations?

Janitor Ayi will be responsible for collecting general waste (only), cleaning the floor in the labs, distributing paper towels and other limited tasks. If you have those requests, please contact campus service 36657111 to get their help.

Please be aware that for various safety concerns, janitor Ayi is not responsible for cleaning the countertops.


How to get help if the lab has utility or construction related problems?

JLL team from Operations is responsible for utilities or construction, such as water and electricity. Please contact campus service 36657111 to get help from them.


How to purchase DKU gifts in FamilyMart?

In case there is no inventory for some DKU gifts, applicant can go to FamilyMart in advance to know what they can buy. Then send an email with gift list, fund code and purchase purpose to Xiaojuan Wu. After the gift application form is approved, you and/or Xiaojuan can pick it up at FamilyMart.


How to obtain a laboratory qualification certificate?

Some lab colleagues asked when they want to buy some cells/virus, vendor require them to provide a laboratory qualification certificate, such as BSL1 or BSL2. Please contact Lin Luo from EHS to do the laboratory qualification certificate.


How to return gas container rented from vendor?

Empty bottles are forbidden to be placed for a long time in the labs because of potential risk. Users can return the gas container by contacting vendor directly or ask help from Procurement to do this.


Could I get a temporary cubical for SW students?

Desk spaces are assigned only to staff and interns (if there is sufficient space).

How do I know someone’s office/cubical?

Use HR system to search user’s office/cubical.