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04:00 PM


Online Event


Event details


Time:3:00-4:00pm, Oct 30th

Location: IB 3106

Zoom ID: 715 337 7467


Dr. Theodoros Bouloumis

Quantum Researcher, Falcondale


Quantum technologies are one of the hottest topics all over the world at the moment. With all this technological advancement comes incredible hype, but also serious doubts about the application timeline of quantum computers. In academic institutes a lot of research is happening, however, startups and companies are those that (will) bring quantum technologies in real-life applications. In my talk, I will present my experience with working on quantum technologies in an academic institute vs a startup. Some career advice, mainly for undergrad students, will be given. I will dive into more details of what constitutes a startup, what are the key challenges, and the exciting milestones that they face. Finally, I will present my work at a quantum computing startup on quantum machine learning for fintech applications.


Quantum Computing, Startup, Quantum Machine Learning


Theodoros Bouloumis has a BSc in Physics from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece and PhD in Physics from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology in Japan. His PhD thesis was on optical trapping of quantum dots using metamaterial plasmonic tweezers, in the exciting field of nanophotonics. He has been awarded the JSPS Scholarship (Japan), as well as the KAKENHI Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research grant. After his PhD, he joined a quantum computing startup, working as the Head of R&D, for only 8 months before the startup run out of money. Currently, he works as Quantum Researcher at Falcondale, a US-based startup that specializes in quantum machine learning for credit scoring and loan approval cases for financial institutions.