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Open PhD position on “Convection Permitting regional climate modelling over the Iberian Peninsula” in CIEMAT (Spain) 

We would like to post an offer for a PhD position in CIEMAT – Madrid (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Mediambientales y Tecnológicas – Research Centre for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research), in 
collaboration with the Earth Physics Department at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid – IGEO (UCM-CSIC). 
The PhD project aims at developing long-term convection permitting simulations making use of a regional climate model to investigate the ability of the model to realistically reproduce processes at the convective 
scale and to identify the added value of these simulations to estimate temperature, precipitation, and wind regimes/extremes as well as relevant land-surface interactions, with a special focus on complex terrain areas 
over the Iberian Peninsula 
CIEMAT – UCM  invites thus applications for a 4-year PhD position. We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student in the research area of regional modelling.  The successful candidate will be an enthusiastic and curious researcher willing to contribute to regional modelling targeting state-of-the-art challenges and to developing skills in answering scientific questions. 
The role of the PhD student within the project will be to run the model code and produce long climatic simulations at spatial resolution of ~1km and to develop the analysis of model output. 
Duration: 4 years, starting by January 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter. 
In addition to the salary, the financial support will cover the costs of joining the PhD Program at the Universidad Complutense as well as the expenses of a stay at an international university/institution. 
Eligible candidates should be in possession of a Master’s degree (or equivalent 5-yr degree) in Physics, Atmospheric/Climate  Sciences, Ocean Sciences, Environmental Sciences or a related field. Proved experience in OS Linux/Unix, computing languages and written+oral skill in English will also be highly valued. We are looking for a person with ability to work both independently and as part of a multidisciplinary team. 
***Foreign Master´s degree certificates should be successfully homologated by the Spanish Ministry of Universities at the moment of application, check the homologation procedure here. 
Candidates may send an expression of interest and their CV to elena.garcia2@ciemat.es. 
Dra. Elena García-Bustamante 
CIEMAT – Centro de Investigaciones, Energéticas, Medioambientales y 
Tecnológicas – 
Dpt. de Energía, División Renovables, Unidad Eólica 
Edificio 42, Planta 0, desp. 17 
Avd. Complutense, 22 
28040 Madrid, España 
Teléfonos: + 34 91 346 362597 
email: Elena.Garcia2@ciemat.es